Sunday, September 2, 2007

Another dream...

Last night I had a dream that people are like countries. France exports wine, Germany and Washington: beer, China: cheap tee-shirts, Zimbabwe: tobacco. Each coutry specializes in it's own export product for financial stability. Then I realized that PEOPLE are a lot like these countries. We must find out the few things we are really good at producing and focus on those. Jonathan Ames deicided he was a decent writer, and from the beginning, just stuck with that for awhile. Ellen Degeneres or Gilda Radner sought after being comical, and that's what they focused on. I must decide what few things I am best at producing, like what grows best in my forestry and climate conditions, and produce only those things. Like, if I were a country with mild seasons, decent rainfall and a lot of grapes: I should make wine. If I were a small country filled with depressed and creative black people, I should produce blues music. Get my drift? Then, at the end of the dream, I believe Lex and Dalen showed up, somone said, "What about all that Canada imports and exports?" Which is nothing. And I turned it into a joke and said something like, "Yeah, 'cause everyone knows what a huge importer/exporter Canada is!" Anyway it seemed funny in the dream. Politically funny, which I'm ususally not.