Wednesday, October 22, 2008

please men of portland, WASH UP!!!

pig pen Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm so sick of seeing relatively cute guys about town and getting in their car or brushing past them at the video store and being hit in the face with a Tyson-like-knock-out of STENCH. Like, the kind of smell when someone drinks too much coffee and garlic and then works out really hard in a garbage bin, like they're doing aerobics in diapers and leftovers, and then letting that stink settle in for, say, three weeks, making sure their armpits and their balls have an extra coating of foul, and then, voila, they enter the public eye. Or rather the public nose. Please, dudes of PDX, I appreciate the woodsey aroma of man's fetor, but you guys need to hit the showers or, at the least, dip yourselves in the Willamette river and call it good.
Peeee-yeeeeewww. Or, actually, Pee-YOU.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Boozy Actress: The Ice Tour

I just love it how every show phenomenon, after doing the U.S. Tour, then decides to bring it "on ice." You know, fucking High School Musical ON ICE, what's next, SUV Law & Order...ON ICE.
I'd like to have my own show wherein I go about my regular life, getting waitressing jobs and walking out on them, drink a lot, sit around reading Bust magazine and then, you know, for the cash, I sell tickets to said show. Well, then THAT somehow gets a strange cult following and, much like Diablo Cody, a top Hollywood agent is surfing the 'net for porn and stumbles upon Me, loves my show, "...but, wait for it, we're thinking Boozy Actress would translate better to the masses if we Put. It. On. Ice.
I'm just sayin...
Yu-Na KIM Festa on ice 2008 Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, October 13, 2008

i don't think anybody reads this but still...

I'm blogging for the unknown, the empty, the absentee vote. Last night I attended Portland Fashion Week. See me with the flapper headband?

I've been rehearsing with my Improv Troupe and I have a commercial shoot on Wednesday. I'm painting this quote as soon as the Gesso dries:
"If everyone would stop trying to be happy, they might actually have a pretty good time." - Edith Wharton.