Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Singing Waitress Wanted...

My beau Jackie & I saw "Spiderman 3" tonight (his idea, I'm more of a Year of the Dog girl) but...I relented. There was a part in the movie when M.J. got fired from her Broadway gig only to be subjected to getting a job at a nightclub as, you guessed it, a singing waitress. Cue the sad music and pan to M.J. sitting on a bench looking very, very depressed, like, "Man...it's come to this??" Truth be told, I work in Dinner Theatre, as a fan-dancing waitress, and I found it alternately humourous and humiliating that this was the character's low point in the film. Have I been living at a low point for a year and a half? probably. Oh well, it is fiction, right?

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