Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bag Lady No More!

Bag Lady
When I was a youngster, my mother tells me my fears were not that of an average child's: not spiders, or dragons or monsters in the closet, no. My Mom says I was afraid of becoming a Bag Lady when I grew up. She said when we'd pass buskers or beggers, I would tug at her skirt like CarolAnne from Poltergeist must've at JoBeth Williams, screaming at her own mother from the other side of hell. The reason I was shaking in my Princess Leia loafers was because deep down? I knew I had potential to BE THAT. Not a standard Street Person, per se, but a very fashionable homeless lady, maybe a Day Player from Dynasty, a visiting actress staying on your couch or over at the Motel 6. I knew in my little tiny subconscious that I would grow up to be a woman addicted to change and someone who ended up moving 40 times in her adult life. Carting around my leopard print coats, my Fluvog kitten heels and my trunks of costume jewelry, I became the very thing the skittered me as a youngen. So, now, as I write this to you I am calling Amistad on those troubidorian days, my wanderlust years, and settling down. I found a gorgeous apartment, nestled right in the cool area of town equipped with all the vintage fineries AND a modern kitchen. It's a Future Dinner Party Dream. Someone call Vince Vaughn and get him to do the pelvic thrusts on a diner table and say, "Baby's all grown'd up!!!" Baby's all growned up, indeed.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


This is from a short I wrapped last night (at 6 AM !!!) where I played a 1920's prostituée. It was only a 2 day shoot and everyone was really nice and I think the movie will end up looking aces. If Todd Haynes is reading this: now, what was that about your Collette film??

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Is that Freegan Rock? Well, turn it up!!

christmas shopping
Maybe I'm a little late on the bandwagon but I just heard about "Freeganism" which is a movement -- shoot, nevermind. Here's what Wikepedia says:
Freeganism is an anti-consumerism lifestyle whereby people employ alternative living strategies based on "limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources." Freegans embrace community, generosity, social concern, freedom, cooperation, and sharing in opposition to a society based on materialism, moral apathy, competition, conformity, and greed."[1] The lifestyle involves salvaging discarded, unspoiled food from supermarket dumpsters that have passed their expiration date, but are still edible and nutritious. They salvage the food not because they are poor or homeless, but as a political statement.[2][3]
And I wanted to sign myself up, because I like to redefine myself as often as possible and jump on hip bandwagons like MySpace and Blogspot so I can feel, well, hip. NO ONE wants to appear out of the know. I really like the anti-consumerism/anti-corporate part about it because I like Mom & Pop shops and I hate competition and greed. Plus, waste really bugs me. But I'm not going to dumpster dive for food; THAT'S where I draw the line. I must come uup with my own name, my own made-up belief system that says all that stuff that Freegan says without garbage germs and I'm still allowed to eat a steak once in awhile. Hmm.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Booked, Booked and what an asshole!

So, as some of my MySpace friends know: I booked the Toyota commercial (3 of them: excuse me while I brush off my shoulders) and I booked the Mistress short film, "Restless." I got a call back from The Stressed Out Biz Professional, but that Director was a Dick so I almost hope I don't get that job. Nothing really funny to say here but I'm gearing up to my Stand-up routine at Harvey's Comedy Club so stay tuned...