Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Day in the Life...

What I did today:
1. Woke up at 9:30ish AM, drank from water bottle by bed
2. Walked up to Starbucks for an iced venti non-fat latte
3. Walked back home
4. Finished movie with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law & Jack Black called "The Holiday." It was pretty good. And old lady wrote and directed it and I love how they always put the actresses in a scene where they drink too much then lip-synch and dance around crazy to a pop song.
5. I ate a mini-bagel with low-fat strawberry cream cheese.
6. Then I ate chips and very spicy salsa.
7. The I went to Walgreens to get the following items: cotton rounds, mascara, vitamin water, macadamia nuts, moleskin and false eyelashes.
8. Then I came home and checked my email for the 14th time.
9. I turned on YOuTube (because I'm addicted) to watch my favorite lady, truly my new inspiration and heronine: Leslie Hall.
Check 'er out!

Well, that's it. Riveting, n'est pas?

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