Monday, December 8, 2008

I had dinner with Trent Reznor

No, that is not a faux lure to get you to read another of my apolitical diatribes, I really HAD DINNER WITH TRENT REZNOR LAST NIGHT! Long story short, I've become friends with Bebe and Jim from The Jim Rose Circus Show (an awesome sideshow where people chew glass, hammer nails up their nose and lift things with their bathing-suit-parts, if you know what I mean.) So, they used to tour with NIN a few years back and they're still great friends. She asked if I wanted to go to the show + and hang out backstage. Cut to last night, when I'm sporting a V.I.P. lamenate sitting down in the commisary when Trent plates up his dinner and sits down, right across from me. Then Robin Fink, the most awesome guitar player I have ever seen/heard, comes and sits down right next to me. Luckily, I have a story about grabbing Robin's wife, Bianca's, boob one tipsey night at The Belltown Saloon in Seattle and we all share a guffaw. Trent says something male-fantasy related like, "that's a visual I'll treasure." And then I winked at him (!) He dug it. Their show was a bedazzling spectacular of sound and light and I was bowled over. After the show, I ran into Robin and HE asked ME for a photo (see below: he was standing on his tip-toes to show how tall he is and so I crouched down to let him prove his point.) As for Trent? I'll never tell...

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