Thursday, January 24, 2008

Do you want some cheese with that Whine?

Today? I bought a coat. And not a vintage fur one I dumpster dove out of a Salvation Army bin, either! It is actually my first "utilitarian" coat: long, black, puffy with special tags on it that say things like: "water-proof" and "thinsulate." Tres, chic, no? I had to break down because it's a freaking ARCTICBLAST out there. I overheard my neighbor tell his child, "You know, if you leave any part of your body unexposed for longer than ten minutes, you'll get frostbite." I don't really think that's true, but I do applaud his effort of instilling the fear of blackened bodily parts amputated off his young son.
Question: Why is everyone hiding? People get to be such babies this time of year! I keep reading blogs about hibernation, the art of doing nothing, people avoiding people. Brew youreslf a cup of cocoa and read a goddamn book! Jesus. Phone people back, why don't you? Incorporate the fine art of letter writing. If the latest aberrant news of Heath Ledger taught us anything, it's that artful people don't last.
Appreicate those in your life who are.

PS: I was thinking if terrorists wanted a new weapon, why not a spork from KFC? Only because it would make great copy.
Great. Now my blog has just been flagged by the CIA. I guess I'll have to wear my aluminum foil hat and staple cheese to the roof again.

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