Tuesday, January 8, 2008

This is someone's idea of a cute bartender?

big foot
I took myself out to the new bar, Bye and Bye, on 10th & Alberta. Rumor had it that this little vegan, bike-loving gin mill boasted bartenders who're easy on the peeps. Now, not like I regularly cruise for Baldwins like a menstruating teen-puppy, but I was curious. So I hit their happy hour (which isn't so happy unless you drink beer exclusively) and had a couple glasses of sangiovese served in those nouveau little tumblers everyone's drinking out of (what the hell went wrong with the STEM, people?) and ogled at...see above.
I don't know what PDX thinks makes up the criteria of "hot bartenders" but burley, patchwork quilt flannel shirts and droopy drawer jeans isn't MY idea of h.b. Isn't there a tall, ironic-mullet sporting fellow in a skinny tie anywhere in this town?

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