Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Hour at Lucy's Table

This is one of Portland's reputed best Happy Hours and it was damn fine. Located in the northwest district, my sister pulled up at 4:45pm and said, "Get out. You need to wait in line." Whhaaaa? A) I don't wait in lines B) Why IS there a line? The Food Snob gods granted my answers when no sooner than the question marked popped above my head did 6 or 7 people come skulking out of the dark alleys where hungry gobs live. When they finally opened their doors at 5, the place was filled within seconds (granted, it's pretty petite). We ordered a glass of house red each ($3.50), I got the oysters with a cucumbery-melon sorbet which I wish were on the side, 'cause I likes me oysters raw & plain, aarrrgghh, and a mesclun salad (doesn't that sound like a cousin of "crack salad"?). My sister ordered a cup of butternut squash soup with truffle oil and we split the Buffalo burger. The total tab ended up being $28. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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